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Organic Multivitamin

100% of nutrients in Bragg® Organic Multivitamin are derived from real, organically grown fruit, vegetables and herbs just the way nature intended. Our highly absorbable, food-based formula delivers a full spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals in a convenient, once-daily tablet.

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    Real Foods. Real Nutrients.

    100% of nutrients in Bragg® Organic Multivitamin are derived from real, organically grown fruit, vegetables and herbs just the way nature intended. Our highly absorbable, food-based formula delivers a full spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals in a convenient, once-daily tablet. 

    Bragg® packs over 100 years of wisdom in every tablet. Our science-backed products are made with thoughtfully selected, plant-forward ingredients for vibrant living.

    -No synthetic vitamins!

    -Specifically formulated for daily wellness support. 

    -Helps promotes energy, metabolism, hair & skin health, and heart function.

    -Includes vitamins A, C, D3, E, K, B6, and B12, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Iron, Iodine (from organic kelp), Zinc, Selenium, and Chromium! 



    Can I take Bragg Organic Multivitamin with other Bragg ACV products or supplements?

    Yes! This can be taken with our other Bragg products.

    When should I take Bragg Organic Multivitamin?

    This can be taken at any time of day, along with food and water.

    Why should I take a multivitamin that’s made from real food?

    Our Organic Multivitamin contains 100% whole food-sourced vitamins that are naturally in their most absorbable state (e.g., vitamin B12 as Methylcobalamin).

    I noticed the Vitamin B-12 is in “methyl” form (as methylcobalamin). Why is this important?

    Methyl-B12 absorption is superior to that of Cyano-B12 and it is retained longer in the body. Methyl-B12 is natural and is the form found in whole foods. Certain health conditions can also prevent the body from being able to absorb Cyano-B12, making Methyl-B12 the form of choice for these individuals.

    Helps Promote Energy & Metabolism*
    Supports Hair & Skin Health*
    Supports Heart Health*
    Supports Heart & Immune Function*

    Key ingredients

    1 Tablet = Full spectrum of essential vitamins & minerals


    1 Vegan Tablet


    For adults, take daily


    Take with food & water


    To take on the day

    Meet our Scientific Advisory Board

    Our board, comprised of medical doctors, nutritionists and scientists,
    helps guides us with effective dosing recommendations, high quality ingredient selection,
    and innovative new product development – all based on reputable clinical research.

    Dr. Jeffrey B. Blumberg, PhD, FASN, FACN

    Dr. Jeffrey B. Blumberg, PhD, FASN, FACN

    Professor Emeritus, Tufts University

    "Daily consumption of Apple Cider Vinegar at 1 tablespoon, or as a dietary supplement containing 750 mg of acetic acid, has been clinically shown to help support weight management and also maintain healthy blood levels of glucose and cholesterol."

    Dr. Edwin K. McDonald IV, MD

    Dr. Edwin K. McDonald IV, MD

    Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Chicago (Gastroenterology);
    Director, Diversity and Inclusion for Graduate Medical Education;
    Associate Director of Adult Clinical Nutrition

    "I recommend apple cider vinegar for my patients for healthy blood glucose and weight management."